Statistics I: Collection, Organization & Presentation of Data

Abdullah Al Mahmud

Data Collection

Types of Data

  • Qualitative
  • Quantitative

Sources of Data

Primary: Obtained directly (not collected from someone else)

  • Secondary: Using pre-collected data from someone else/some organization
  • Example
  • A researcher buys data from BMD to build a model of rainfall behavior
  • A researcher runs an experiment to measure speed of light using a novel technique.
  • A researcher makes use of the data generated by the one in example 2

Method of Data Collection

  • Direct personal Inquiry
  • Indirect oral inquiry
  • Mail
  • Telephone etc.
  • Each method has its own advantages and disadvantages;

Sources of Secondary Data

  • Published: Journal, Newspaper etc.
  • Unpublished: BBS, WHO, IMF, FAO, ICDDR,B

DIsadvantages of Secondary Data

  • Purpose might be different
  • Suitability
  • Reliability
  • Unit

Organizing Data



Data Classification

  • Geographical
  • Chronological
  • Quantitative
  • Qualitative



Country Bangladesh USA
GDP(m) 120 500

Chronological (Time series data)

Year 2015 2016
GDP(m) 120 500

Quantitative Classification

Income level 40,000-50,000 50,000-1,00,000
Frequency 120 34

Frequency Distribution

Three things required

  • Range
  • No. of classes (k) &
  • Class Interval (CI)

Let k or CI & find the other

  • \(CI = \frac{Range}{\text{Number of classes (k)}}\)
  • \(\text{Number of classes, k}= \frac{Range}{\text{CI}}\)
  • Sturges Method: \(k = 1 + 3.322 \space logN\); where N = no. of observations



  • Inclusive vs exclusive
What does it tell us

Histogram (contd.)

Can these intervals be readily used?

(5-10); (10-15); (15-20)

(5-9); (10-14); (15-20)

If not, what should we do?

Stem and Leaf

  • key in stem and leaf plot
  • How to interpret stem and leaf plot
data <- c(16, 26, 12, 10, 27, 30, 14,  1, 25, 20)
##   The decimal point is 1 digit(s) to the right of the |
##   0 | 1
##   1 | 0246
##   2 | 0567
##   3 | 0

How to interpret cf and rf

Class Frequency Cumulative

Frequency (cf)

Frequency (rf)


Frequency (crf)
30-35 4 4 0.09 0.09
35-40 10 14 0.23 0.32
40-45 20 34 0.45 0.77
45-50 8 42 0.18 0.95
50-55 2 44 0.04 1
n=44 n=44

What Ogives tell us

Bar vs Pie

  • When to use which?
  • How to calculate angles?
  • Can we draw on 180 degrees?

Draw Suitable Chart

Favorite colors of 30 individuals are noted down.

  Brown Red   Pink  Green Green Green Brown Pink  Brown Red   
Brown Red   Green Pink  White Red   Brown Green White Brown 

White Brown Pink  Red   White Brown Green Red   Pink  Red  

Choose Diagram

year Sales ($)
1996 76
1997 58
1998 95
1999 85

Category Cost(Tk.)
House rent 10,000
Utility Bill 3,000
Telecom 2000

Frequency Polygon vs Frequency Curve

  • Curve: Smoothed corners

Bar Diagram vs Histogram

Example Charts

Bar Chart

Pie Chart

Donut Chart

Rose Plot